
Differences between MQL4 and MQL5: what do you need to know?

4 Mins read

Through the prism of human history, it can be seen that the introduction of qualitative changes in people’s lives has always had its advantages. The desire to get something better is a natural desire determined by the nature of the individual. And take a closer look at the features associated with the formation and development of technologies. You can see that it happened gradually, but each new step was considered and thought out. Of course, things work differently than the first time. For example, the invention of modern transport was preceded by numerous studies of the possibilities of the wheel, engine, and battery. If one detail had been omitted, perhaps we would not have what we call a car or a streetcar. And there are many such examples. The Internet, software, and various updates – everything we use now constantly- was developed through long-term practice and research.

The introduction of scientific technologies into permanent use had an unconditional impact on the professional growth of many people. Suppose earlier it was impossible to connect users from different parts of the world and allow them to communicate at a distance today by pressing one button. In that case, you can already start communication with the person you need. The same goes for finding information about things you need: libraries have taken a backseat, while the Internet has replaced all kinds of encyclopedias and books that previously required special access. Such globalization and technological production have also benefited businesses in particular. Thus, international cooperation expanded its spheres to more counterparties, allowing many people to realize their activities.

Active cooperation with foreign counterparties became possible thanks to Forex, which has become a leading exchange over the past ten years. Thousands of users conclude various contracts and complete multiple transactions every day. Why this particular platform? It’s all about convenience and the ability to manage your assets remotely. Indeed, searching for various counterparties on your own is no longer necessary since the platform selects profitable cooperation options based on the specified parameters. Forex robots that work based on mql5 vs. mql4 and constantly perform different functions help her in this.

Primary programming languages ​​and mql4 vs. mql5 comparison

To understand a robot’s operation principle, it is necessary to rewind time to when it was created. This is a highly cumbersome process, as it includes completely different components that can change depending on the prevailing trends in the world of programming. So, first, the code that will be the basis of the program is developed. Subsequently, the software layout and other essential characteristics required for any bot are built. Such a process ends with updating the interface and programming the primary data.

However, none of the above would be possible without a programming language. After all, it is the starting point from which the creation of something new and progressive in the technology field begins. Currently, there are two main programming languages ​​for Forex – mql4 vs. mql5. Each of them requires the presence of special abilities and skills, as well as an understanding of their fundamental difference. So, one language and another are used for the same purpose – writing codes, programs, software, etc. Knowledge of the mql5 vs. mql4 language is the first step to success in programming and later in creating robots and other tools for working with Forex.

If you compare mql4 vs. mql5, the latter is a newer and more advanced version, which is currently more used to support the established interface. Everything available in mql4 is in the mql5 version, only in a more updated form. It is also used to write programs, scripts, codes, etc.

It should be noted that there is a difference between the essential functions and keys, which are available in two languages. The newer mql5 no longer needs the same number of keys as its predecessor because it is programmed for more complicated parameters, which already include them. For example, if in mql4 there was a start button, then in mql5, there is no such function. Secondly, the amount of information that mql5 can process is much more significant; accordingly, buffer indicators are not limited in their use. Also, a substantial innovation in mql5 was that the peak performance had increased significantly. When a certain exceeding of character limits occurs, there are no problems with updating the system and returning it to work as soon as possible. The new mql5 also effectively offers symbols to be used when processing the material to be programmed. In the manual configuration mode, you can define a parameter that will automatically clean the cache from an unnecessary array of information and facilitate using this language during various operations. Also, a change compared to mql4 vs. mql5 is that the advisors available in the newer version can process more data and produce better suggestions when writing essential things. The advantage of mql4 vs. mql5 is that mql5 can recognize a more significant number of indicators. At the same time, you should consider how much RAM to allocate for these parameters and be prepared for its potential limitation. Another, but not the last, plus is the presence of graphic material in mql5, which in terms of quality, is much better than its predecessor.

Thus, scientific and technical progress has made significant adjustments to the activities of many people. Constant improvement of all mechanisms is the key to success in all endeavors. The programming language is no exception in this aspect. By comparing mql5 vs. mql4 and revealing the features of each, we can conclude that both languages ​​are progressive and deserve to exist. However, the advantages of the latest version discussed above are apparent and should also be considered. Ease of understanding the material, an updated interface, and much more make the process of writing codes, programs, and scripts faster and more pleasant for the trader. Learning something new and practicing the old is an opportunity to realize yourself and do something for the benefit of society.

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