
An open letter to the Government on Vehicle imports.

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Apropos decision to import vehicles (271.2025. Morning), I would like to request the government not to go ahead with this decision for the following reasons. Firstly, this will seriously affect the already meagre Fe balance in the country and it will drain out the last $ in the Central Bank, in vain for a non-priority item at present. Strict import is a sine qua non in view of the country’s serious loan commitments running into hundred million U.S.$. Although it will satisfy the newly elected MPP and the suburban elite mainly in Colombo and in the outskirt areas, it will never meet the burning needs of the majority in the country. It will run counter to the good name of the government. It will also not make any contribution to the economic development of the country. The loss to the country will far exceeds the marginal short term gain you might get by satisfying few people.

What is required to be done in the present context of an ailing economy is to spend every cent on rapid development that will increase production and employment. The crying need of the time is to drastically to reduce the luxury imports and plan to increase domestic production for exports to earn more foreign exchange.

On the other hand, the country is already having an excess of vehicles than it needs. Some of the items like Tuk Tuks doesn’t in fact contribute anything to the economy. In my view overall it has a negative effect on the economy as it pulls out the younger generation out of agriculture and industry where they can make more money and contribute to a more productive economy thar helps nation building. In my view this small country is already over-loaded with vehicles to its land area and road capacity, especially like buses. Another very important side of this issue is, as to why the government doesn’t first find out the actual number of registered vehicles in running are there in the country, before it jump on the idea of new imports and phase out its imports only to meet the country’s actual requirements without converting this island in to a backyard of all types of used and outdated vehicles which will only convert this country in to a garage of old, outdated and rackety vehicles in south Asia, there by ceasing it to be the Paradise on earth, as it was called in the past. Apart from satisfying the new 159 MPP, the government must be planning to collect some taxes from these new imports. But the amount collected will be definitely less than the loss incurred on this deal. The only beneficiaries on this deal will be the exporter at the far end, ship owners, insurance agencies, the importers at and the 159-recipient new MPP at the end. The government will be the loser at this end, firstly due to much less taxes compared with the projected expectations and secondly, even a bigger political loss it will accrue due to going back on their promises made in their election manifesto.

Therefore, I strongly urge the government to reconsider this foolish move of importing new vehicle s at this moment.

I think it is more important to improve the ailing existing public transport systemin the country, specially, the trains and improving its efficiency as the present conditions of the train service in this country is horrible. To think of a domestic air service is also not a bad idea in this age of digital technology. Of course it will be a herculean task, I know, in a country where the railway authorities are even unable to give the exact number of trains they have as of 2025, as given below. The railway is the best and the cheapest mode of land transport. An efficient and a good train service both for passenger and good transport is an index of economic development in any given country. All post 1948 governments must be ashamed that none of them had been able to add a new railway connection to what the British did, other than the few miles President Premadasa added to Anuradhapura-Mihinthale stretch. This alone, I think, is enough proof to asses as to how all our post 1948 governments have developed this country.

Therefore, I strongly suggest that the Government drop the idea of importing new vehicles to be given to its new Mpp and any other persons. The loss, both economic and political that will be incurred on this deal will be definitely very much more than the expected gain in taxes. This however does not entail the import of vehicles required for development.

Furthermore, I suggest the government stop giving official vehicles to everybody including its MPP and all public servants. Instead, why doesn’t the Government go back to the old practice like how they did it in pre 1970 period. Those days as I remember all public servants who needed a vehicle for their official work were given a loan to buy a vehicle and claim milage for all official traveling they make. No drivers were given either. The loan had to be paid back in monthly installments from their salaries. Just imagine the cost to the government of the precent practice of giving official vehicle, even tax free, to all politicians and public servants above a certain salary point or holding a certain post. The cost of the vehicles, fuel, maintenance, salaries to drivers and their overtime and pensions. Those days I remember Only the Governor General; the Prime Minister and the Chief Justice were provided with official vehicles and drivers Just imagine as to how you can develop a country where 85 % of the national income of the country as published in the press on the maintenance of the politician and public servants.

So much so, I am inclined to redefine democracy in this country as the government by the politicians and government officers, of the politicians and government officers and for the politicians and government officers”

I think this is the only country in the world where official vehicles are given free to all politicians and public servants of a certain category. Even in the Unted States of America, which is supposed to be the richest country on earth, no vehicles are provided free for politicians and public servants. I know even for parking their vehicles the owners have to pay. The only exception I have seen in America are the public shopping stores. Even in the Air ports and working places one has to pay for parking.

In this backdrop I strongly suggest that the government should stop the import of motor cars or any other type of vehicles to be given to politicians and public servants. Instead, I suggest the government to go for local assembly plants to cater to local market requirements cum export from where all those who wants to purchase what they want for their official or private use. But this should not include those required for the health sector like ambulances and those required for agricultural and, industrial sectors immediately that cannot be turned out over night to meet the requirement in those sectors.

I give below the latest information available on the internet on the number of vehicles in this country.

The Registered vehicle population in Sri Lanka as given in the press. on 1.27.2025.

as given in the Website (Source Motor vehicles Department:) is given below

As of 2025, the exact number of trains operating in Sri Lanka is not readily available, but based on information about Sri Lanka Railways, the current fleet likely consists of several hundred trains across different types and lines, with no single definitive count readily accessible.

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